You'll be able to watch the stream live from this page.


TV Broadcast/Streaming Devices

  1. AFTV (Roku app, Apple TV app, Android TV app, Samsung TV app, Amazing Facts YouTube Page, Galaxy 19 Satellite)
  2. 3ABN (English and Spanish, Dish Network, Roku, Galaxy 19 Satellite)
  3. Hope Channel (English and Spanish, Direct TV, Roku, Galaxy 19 Satellite)
  4. Secrets Unsealed (English and Spanish, Roku, Amazon Fire TV)
  5. Better Life Broadcasting Network (DirecTV, Dish, Roku, Apple TV app)

Web Livestream

  1. YouTube Pastor Doug Batchelor page
  2. YouTube Amazing Facts page
  3. YouTube Granite Bay SDA Church page
  4. Facebook Doug Batchelor page
  5. Facebook Amazing Facts page
  6. Facebook Granite Bay SDA Church page

In-Person Venues

  1. Hilltop Church in Granite Bay, California
  2. Local churches across North America are hosting live events


# Date Start Time (PST) Program Title
1 10/15/2021 7:00PM Coronation Of The King
2 10/16/2021 7:00PM Dream Of The Empires
3 10/17/2021 7:00PM The Prince of Pride
4 10/19/2021 7:00PM The Supreme Sacrifice
5 10/20/2021 7:00PM The Glorious Kingdom
6 10/22/2021 7:00PM Commands Of The King
7 10/23/2021 11:00AM The Wonder Of The Word
8 10/23/2021 7:00PM Bricks Without Straw
9 10/24/2021 7:00PM Bewitching Spirits
10 10/26/2021 7:00PM A Divine Design
11 10/27/2021 7:00PM Cleansing The Sanctuary
12 10/29/2021 7:00PM A River Of Life
13 10/30/2021 11:00AM The Final Firestorm
14 10/30/2021 7:00PM The Devil’s Dungeon
15 10/31/2021 6:30PM Windows in Heaven
16 11/2/2021 7:00PM A Woman in the Wilderness
17 11/3/2021 7:00PM Refusing Babylon’s Buffet
18 11/5/2021 7:00PM A Mother Daughter Conspiracy
19 11/6/2021 11:00AM Bowing to the Beast
20 11/6/2021 7:00PM The Deadly Mark
21 11/7/2021 7:00PM The Miraculous Oil
22 11/9/2021 7:00PM Proving the Prophets
23 11/10/2021 7:00PM The King’s Ambassador
24 11/12/2021 7:00PM Goal of the Godly
24 11/12/2021 6:15PM John Lomacang & Kelly Mowrer Concert
25 11/13/2021 11:00AM The Unsinkable Ship